"Welcome to Hole of Nightmare, dear... Oh, you can't get out of this place, don't you? That's sounds great for me..."

Jumat, 06 November 2009

Pandora Hearts 20 =DD

Entah napa, ketemu ni cerita... GUAJEEEE!!! =))

Alice is completely jealous because Oz is supposed to be her servant and yet he’s always off concerning himself with other things/people. Sharon is excited about this and prompts Alice to call her Sharon-oneesan and she gets all starry when Alice does (much to Alice’s dislike).
He's my servant yet he's always concerning himself with others
He's my servant yet he's always concerning himself with others
Sharon then decides to teach Alice about romance and brings her to the library to read the romance bibles. As they’re flipping through the pages, they come to the end picture where there’s kissing and Sharon closes the book, super embarrassed, saying that it was still early for Alice. Alice then nonchalantly replies, “Oz and I have already done that.”
Kiss? Oz and I have already done that.
Kiss? Oz and I have already done that.
Later on, Oz’s uncle comes by and has ‘juice’ for everyone. Turns out the juice was really wine and Gilbert, Alice and Sharon get drunk. While Oz and Oscar are talking, Alice wakes up from her drunken state and complains that it’s hot. She then begins to strip much to Oz’s embarrassment and he tries to stop her. It ends in vain when her button pops off.
Dame da Alice~!
Dame da Alice~!
アリス! だめだよ~
アリス! だめだよ~
Oh shit...
Oh shit...
Holy fuck
Holy fuck
I swear I'm not looking.
I swear I'm not looking.
Now I am.
Now I am.
Uh oh...
Uh oh...
After that amusing bout,  Oz quickly asks for Sharon’s help, but it turns out that Sharon gets this huge queen’s personality when she’s drunk to which Oz thinks is cool. It found it odd since Sharon called them pigs and to bow before her if they want help and Oz thought it was cool. But when Alice calls him her servant and such, he doesn’t quite give a damn.

Gil eventually wakes up and him and Alice get into a fight over Oz. He accidently releases her powers and we get to see some homo-homo scenes when he pulls Oz over to seal her powers.

Alice goes wtf is up with this pic?
Alice goes wtf?
He's mine! Back off bitch!
He's mine! Back off bitch!
This scene ends with Oz awed by Sharon again after she makes Gil and Alice disappear by using Eques. Soon, everyone is passed out except for Oz and Break and they go to the balcony to talk. Oz notices that Break was never really drunk and Break calls him uncute.
Gil then interrupts the two with his crybaby self and tells Oz to worry about himself more and then starts crying because he seems to revert to his 9 year old self when drunk.

Worry more dammit!
Worry more dammit!
Wah wah...
Wah wah...
Ore... boku... docchi?
Ore... boku... docchi?
Hai, Bocchan :)
Hai, Bocchan :)
Waa~ Natsukashii~
Waa~ Natsukashii~
So that pretty much concludes episode 20. Well not really. There’s some more talking done by Oz about how he’ll try not to be a burden anymore or something and then he goes to wake Alice up to go to her bedroom. Then there’s a flashback scene with him talking to Leo about Eliot and blah blah.

Taking her to her bedroom
Taking her to her bedroom
Aaand that ends my morning.. and early afternoon. I’m hoping that this series doesn’t get dragged out but I’m sure there’s only 26 episodes.

Minggu, 01 November 2009

Back to my Blog... AGAIN!! =))

Yak... lama tak berkunjung =) saya akhir-akhir ini banyak berubah... dan banyak kejadian dimana-mana =_=" dari yang menyenangkan, menyedihkan, bahkan MEMALUKAN pun juga ada! hehehe... hishashiburi ne.... sudah lama banget tidak berkunjung =D gomen...gomen... XD ada sih yang ingin saya ceritakan... Tapi, terserah kalian percaya apa tidak... =D

Saya punya seorang teman, dia sobat saya namanya Andaru.. Nah, dia itu sudah menjadi sobat karib saya... padahal baru kenal beberapa bulan. Alhamdulillah kami cepat akrab... Dia itu sering bercerita, curhat dengan saya.. bisa dibilang hampir setiap hari... Karena suatu kendala, HP-nya disita orangtuanya (kejam amat sih =_=") jadi kami saling bersurat-suratan, LOL... dan suatu hari... ia memberitahukan rahasia paling terpenting pada saya.. Dan HANYA SAYA yang mengetahui rahasia tersebut. Jiwa Andaru ada 2, yang satu bisa dibilang cowok... Lebih tepatnya kembarannya yang telah meninggal sewaktu lahir... Pokoknya diceritakan dengan sedetil-detilnya... Saya mulai menelpon dia, kebetulan orangtuanya sedang pergi, jadi kami bisa bertelpon ria untuk waktu yang lama, LOL... Akhirnya saya meminta "Eh, andaru.. Saya mau ngobrol dengan kakakmu bisa?" lalu andaru menyetujuinya. Dan tiba-tiba cara berbicaranya berbeda sekali, ini sih.. bukan Andaru lagi.. tapi kakaknya Rico =)). Kami bercakap-cakap cukup lama... benar-benar merepotkan. Yang membuat saya kaget, Rico berkata seperti ini "SAYA SUKA ANDA!!" lalu saya lantas tidak percaya.. Tiba-tiba saya mengalihkan pembicaraan. Saat itu saya benar-benar jutek, berbicara apa adanya. Saya bertanya "Eh, katanya si Andaru ga sengaja cium temen ceweknya ya... Gara-gara anda kan?" Rupanya benar, itu kakaknya... Ckckck =)) Lalu dia bilang "Kamu mau, saya cium di bibir?" nah lo! ni anak ngaco kali yaa!! setelah itu dia berkata lagi "Pakai tubuhnya Andaru... hahahaha" waah.. gue dikerjain, mesem deh =w= Tak terasa pulsa saya habis. Telponnya mendadak terputus, saya langsung menelpon lewat HP ayah saya =D kami melanjutkan pembicaraan.. Saat itu masih Andaru yang menjawab, dia bilang.. "Eh, gema-chan.. Kakakku tadi memerah lho, setelah ngobrol dengan gema-chan! Suka kali ya sama Gema-chan??", saya langsung jingkrak kaget.. Laaah.. baru ngobrol bentar langsung suka?! Pernyataan macam apa itu =w=, terus kata Andaru lagi "Iyaa lho.. Tadi kakak bilang sendiri, dia bilang 'Sepertinya saya suka sama temanmu itu, Gema...' gitu..", WAJAH SAYA LANGSUNG MEMERAH DRASTIS!! =)) walaaah.... baru kali ini ada yang suka sama saya =w=" <

ah, sampai sini dulu deh =w=